The CrossFit HERO WOD Masterlist
updated January 1, 2019
CrossFit HERO WOD is all about one word . . .
Most CrossFit boxes around the United States do the Murph on Memorial Day weekend.
When you push yourself to complete one you are bringing honor to a fallen hero. Before he created the greatest fitness movement of our time, CrossFit founder Greg Glassman trained police officers. CrossFit marketing guru, Dave Castro, was former Navy Seal. So, the concept of the CrossFitHero WOD came naturally to them.
There are now around 160 Hero WODS – and we’ve got them all here.
Hero WOD: Abbate
WOD Type: For Time
- 1-mile run
- 21 clean and jerk (155/105 pounds)
- 800-meter run
- 21 clean and jerk (155/105 pounds)
- 1-mile run
- 30-minute time cap
Hero WOD: Adam Brown
WOD Type: For Time
- 2 Rounds
- 24 reps of deadlifts (295 pounds)
- 24 box jumps (24-inch box)
- 24 wall-ball shots (20-pound ball)
- 24 bench presses (195 pounds)
- 24 box jumps (24-inch box)
- 24 wall-ball shots (20-pound ball)
- 24 cleans (145 pounds)
Hero WOD: Adrian
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 Rounds
- 3 forward rolls
- 5 wall climbs
- 7 toes to bar
- 9 box jumps (30-inch box)
Hero WOD: Arnie
WOD Type: For Time
- With a single 2 pood kettlebell (approximately 70 pounds)
- 21 Turkish get-ups, right arm
- 50 swings
- 21 overhead squats, left arm
- 50 swings
- 21 overhead squats, right arm
- 50 swings
- 21 Turkish get-ups left arm
Learn how to choose the best kettlebell.
Hero WOD: Badger
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 30 reps of squat cleans (95 pounds)
- 30 pull-ups
- Run 800 meters
Hero WOD: Barraza
WOD Type: For Time
- 18 minutes
- Run 200 meters
- 9 reps of deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 6 burpee bar muscle-ups
Hero WOD: Bell
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 21 deadlifts (185 pounds)
- 15 pull-ups
- 9 front squats (185 pounds)
Hero WOD: Big Sexy
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 6 deadlifts (315 pounds)
- 6 burpees
- 5 cleans (225 pounds)
- 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 4 thrusters (155 pounds)
- 4 muscle-ups
Hero WOD: Blake
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- 100-foot Walking lunge with a 45-pound plate held overhead
- 30 box jumps (24-inch box)
- 20 wall ball shots (20-pound ball)
- 10 handstand push-ups
Hero WOD: Bowen
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 7 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 10 burpee pull-ups
- 14 single arm kettlebell thrusters, 14 reps (7 each arm) (53 pounds)
- 20 box jumps (24-inch box)
Hero WOD: Bradley
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- Sprint 100 meters
- 10 Pull-ups
- Sprint 100 meters
- 10 Burpees
- Rest 30 seconds
Hero WOD: Bradshaw
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- 3 handstand push-ups
- 6 deadlifts (225 pounds)
- 12 Pull-ups
- 24 Double-under’s
Hero WOD: Brehm
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 15 foot rope climbs
- 20 Back squat (225 pounds)
- 30 handstand push-ups
- Row 40 calories
Hero WOD: Brenton
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 100-foot bear crawl
- 100 feet, standing broad-jump
Hero WOD: Brian
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 5 15-foot rope climbs
- 25 reps of back squats (185 pounds)
Hero WOD: Bruck
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 24 back squats (185 pounds)
- 24 jerks (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Bulger
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- Run 150 meters
- 7 chest to bar pull-ups
- 7 front squats (135 pounds)
- 7 handstand push-ups
Hero WOD: Bull
WOD Type: For Time
- 2 rounds
- 200 double-under’s
- 50 overhead squats (135 pounds)
- 50 pull-ups
- Run 1 mile
Hero WOD: Cameron
WOD Type: For Time
- 50 walking lunge steps
- 25 chest to bar pull-ups
- 50 box jumps (24-inch box)
- 25 triple-under’s
- 50 back extensions
- 25 ring dips
- 50 knees to elbows
- 25 wallball “2-for-1s” (20-pound ball)
- 50 sit-ups
- 5 15-foot rope climbs
Hero WOD: Capoot
WOD Type: For Time
- 100 push-ups
- Run 800 meters
- 75 push-ups
- Run 1200 meters
- 50 push-ups
- Run 1600 meters
- 25 push-ups
- Run 2000 meters
Hero WOD: Carse
WOD Type: For Time
- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
- 95 pound squat clean
- Double-unders
- 185-pound deadlifts
- 24-inch box jump
- Begin each round with a 50-meter bear crawl
Hero WOD: Clovis
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 10 miles
- 150 burpee pull-ups
- Partition the run and burpee pull-ups as needed.
Hero WOD: Coe
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- 10 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 10 ring push-ups
Hero WOD: Coffey
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 800 meters
- 50 back squats (135 pounds)
- 50 bench presses (135 pounds)
- Run 800 meters
- 20 back squats (135 pounds)
- 20 bench presses (135 pounds)
- Run 800 meters
- 1 muscle-up
Hero WOD: Collin
WOD Type: For Time
- 6 rounds
- Carry 50-pound sandbag 400 meters
- 12 push presses (115 pounds)
- 12 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 12 sumo deadlift high-pulls (95 pounds)
Hero WOD: Crain
WOD Type: For Time
- 2 rounds
- 34 push-ups
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 deadlifts (135 pounds)
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 box jumps (24-inch box)
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 clean and jerks (95 pounds)
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 burpees
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 wall-ball shots (20 pound ball)
- 50-yard sprint
- 34 pull-ups
- 50-yard sprint
Hero WOD: Dae Han
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Run 800 meters with a 45-pound barbell
- 3 15-foot rope climb
- 12 thrusters (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Daniel
WOD Type: For Time
- 50 pull-ups
- 400 meter run
- 21 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 800 meter run
- 21 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 400 meter run
- 50 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Danny
WOD Type: For Time
- 20 minutes
- 30 box jump (24-inch box)
- 20 push presses (115 pounds)
- 30 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Del
WOD Type: For Time
- 25 burpees
- Run 400 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 25 weighted pull-ups with a 20-pound dumbbell
- Run 400 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 25 handstand push-ups
- Run 400 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Run 400 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 25 burpees
Hero WOD: Desforges
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 12 deadlifts (225 pounds)
- 20 pull-ups
- 12 clean and jerk (135 pounds)
- 25 handstand push-ups
- 20 knees to elbows
Hero WOD: DG
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 minutes
- 8 toes to bar
- 8 thrusters (35 pound dumbbell)
- 12 dumbbell walking lunges (35 pounds)
Hero WOD: Dobogai
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 8 muscle-ups
- 22-yard farmer carry with 50-pound dumbbells
Hero WOD: Don
WOD Type: For Time
- 66 deadlifts (110 pounds)
- 66 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 66 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
- 66 knees to elbows
- 66 sit-ups
- 66 pull-ups
- 66 thrusters (55 pounds)
- 66 wall ball shots (20 pound ball)
- 66 burpees
- 66 double-unders
Hero WOD: Donny
WOD Type: For Time
- 21-15-9-9-15-21
- 225 pound deadlifts
- Burpees
Hero WOD: Dragon
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 5k
- 4 minutes to find 4-rep max deadlift
- Run 5k
- 4 minutes to find 4-rep max push jerk
Hero WOD: DT
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 12 deadlifts (155 pounds)
- 9 hang power cleans (155 pounds)
- 6 push jerks (155 pounds)
Hero WOD: Erin
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 15 40-pound dumbbell split cleans
- 21 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Falkel
- 25 minutes
- 8 handstand push-ups
- 8 box jumps (30 inch box)
- 1 15-foot rope climb
Hero WOD: Feeks
WOD Type: For Time
- 2 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 2 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 4 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 4 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 6 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 6 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 8 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 8 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 10 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 10 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 12 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 12 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 14 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 14 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
- 16 100-meter shuttle sprints
- 16 squat clean thrusters (65 pound dumbbells)
Hero WOD: Foo
WOD Type: For Time
- 13 bench presses (170 pounds)
- Then, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
- 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 77 double-unders
- 2 squat clean thrusters (170 pounds)
- 28 sit-ups
Hero WOD: Forrest
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 20 L-pull-ups
- 30 toes to bar
- 40 burpees
- Run 800 meters
Hero WOD: Gallant
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 1 mile with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 60 burpee pull-ups
- Run 800 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 30 burpee pull-ups
- Run 400 meters with a 20-pound medicine ball
- 15 burpee pull-ups
Hero WOD: Garrett
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 75 squats
- 25 ring handstand push-ups
- 25 L-pull-ups
Hero WOD: Gator
WOD Type: For Time
- 8 rounds
- 5 front squats (185 pounds)
- 26 ring push-ups
Hero WOD: Gaza
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 35 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
- 30 push-ups
- 25 pull-ups
- 20 box jumps, 30-inch box
- 1-mile run
Hero WOD: Glen
WOD Type: For Time
- 30 clean and jerks (135 pounds)
- Run 1 mile
- 10 15-foot rope climbs
- Run 1 mile
- 100 burpees
Hero WOD: Griff
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 800 meters
- Run 400 meters backwards
- Run 800 meters
- Run 400 meters backwards
Hero WOD: Hall
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 3 cleans (225 pounds)
- 200 meter sprint
- 20 kettlebell snatches, 1.5 pood, 10 each arm
- Rest 2 minutes
Hero WOD: Hamilton
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Row 1000 meters
- 50 push-ups
- Run 1000 meters
- 50 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Hammer
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 5 power cleans (135 pounds)
- 10 front squats (135 pounds)
- 5 jerks (135 pounds)
- 20 pull-ups
- Rest 90 seconds
Hero WOD: Hansen
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 30 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
- 30 burpees
- 30 GHD sit-ups
Hero WOD: Harper
- 23 minutes
- 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 15 power cleans (135 pounds)
- 21 squats
- 400-meter run with a 45-pound plate
Hero WOD: Helton
- 3 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 30 dumbbell squat cleans (50 pounds)
- 30 burpees
Hero WOD: Hidalgo
- Run 2 miles
- Rest 2 minutes
- 20 squat cleans (135 pounds)
- 20 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 20 walking lunges with 45-pound plate held overhead
- 20 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 20 squat cleans (135 pounds)
- Rest 2 minutes
- Run 2 miles
- If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Hero WOD: Holbrook
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- 5 thrusters (115 pounds)
- 10 pull-ups
- 100-meter Sprint
- Rest 1 minute
Hero WOD: Holleyman
WOD Type: For Time
- 30 rounds
- 5 wall ball shots (20-pound ball)
- 3 handstand push-ups
- 1 power clean (225 pounds)
Hero WOD: Hortman
WOD Type: For Time
- 45 minutes
- Run 800 meters
- 80 squats
- 8 muscle-ups
Hero WOD: Horton
WOD Type: For Time
- 9 rounds
- 9 bar muscle-ups
- 11 clean and jerks (155 pounds)
- 50-yard buddy carry
Hero WOD: Jack
- 20 minutes
- 10 push presses (115 pounds)
- 10 KB swings (1.5 poods)
- 10 Box jumps (24-inch box)
Hero WOD: Jag 28
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 800 meters
- 28 kettlebell swings, 2 pood
- 28 strict pull-ups
- 28 kettlebell clean and jerk, 2 poods each
- 28 strict pull-ups
- Run 800 meters
Hero WOD: Jared
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 40 pull-ups
- 70 push-ups
Hero WOD: Jason
WOD Type: For Time
- 100 Squats
- 5 muscle-ups
- 75 squats
- 10 muscle-ups
- 50 squats
- 15 muscle-ups
- 25 squats
- 20 muscle-ups
Hero WOD: JBo
- 28 minutes
- 9 overhead squats (115 pounds)
- 1 legless rope climb, 15-foot rope, beginning from seated
- 115-lb. 12 bench presses (115 pounds)
Hero WOD: Jennifer
- 26 minutes
- 10 pull-ups
- 15 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
- 20 box jumps (24-inch box)
Hero WOD: Jenny
- 20 minutes
- 20 overhead squats (45 pounds)
- 20 back squats (45 pounds)
- 400-meter run
Hero WOD: Jerry
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 1 mile
- Row 2K
- Run 1 mile
Hero WOD: J.J.
WOD Type: For Time
- 1 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 10 parallette handstand push-ups
- 2 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 9 parallette handstand push-ups
- 3 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 8 parallette handstand push-ups
- 4 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 7 parallette handstand push-ups
- 5 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 6 parallette handstand push-ups
- 6 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 5 parallette handstand push-ups
- 7 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 4 parallette handstand push-ups
- 8 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 3 parallette handstand push-ups
- 9 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 2 parallette handstand push-ups
- 10 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 1 parallette handstand push-up
Hero WOD: Johnson
- 20 minutes
- 9 deadlifts (245 pounds)
- 8 muscle-ups
- 9 squat cleans (155 pounds)
Hero WOD: Jorge
WOD Type: For Time
- 30 GHD sit-ups
- 15 squat cleans (155 pounds)
- 24 GHD sit-ups
- 12 squat cleans (155 pounds)
- 18 GHD sit-ups
- 9 squat cleans (155 pounds)
- 12 GHD sit-ups
- 6 squat cleans (155 pounds)
- 6 GHD sit-ups
- 3 squat cleans (155 pounds)
Hero WOD: Josh
WOD Type: For Time
- 21 overhead squats (95 pounds)
- 42 pull-ups
- 15 overhead squats (95 pounds)
- 30 pull-ups
- 9 overhead squats (95 pounds)
- 18 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Joshie
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 21 dumbbell snatches, right arm (40 pounds)
- 21 L-pull ups
- 21 dumbbell snatches, left arm (40 pounds)
- 21 L-pull ups
Hero WOD: JT
WOD Type: For Time
- 21-15-9
- Handstand push-ups
- Ring Dips
- Push-ups
Hero WOD: Justin
WOD Type: For Time
- 30-20-10
- Body-weight back squats
- Body-weight bench presses
- Strict pull-ups
Hero WOD: Kevin
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 32 deadlifts (185 pounds)
- Body-weight bench presses
- 32 hanging hip touches, alternating arms
- 800 meter running farmer carry (15 pound dumbbells)
Hero WOD: Klepto
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- 27 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 20 burpees
- 11 squat cleans (145 pounds)
Hero WOD: Kutschbach
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 11 back squats (185 pounds)
- 10 jerks (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Ledesma
- 20 minutes
- 5 parallette handstand push-ups
- 10 toes through rings
- 15 medicine ball cleans (20 pounds)
Hero WOD: Lee
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 1 deadlift (345 pounds)
- 3 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 5 push jerks (185 pounds)
- 3 muscle-ups
- 1 15-foot rope climb
Hero WOD: Lumberjack 20
WOD Type: For Time
- 20 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- Run 400 meters
- 20 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
- Run 400 meters
- 20 overhead squats (115 pounds)
- Run 400 meters
- 20 burpees
- Run 400 meters
- 20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Run 400 meters
- 20 box jumps (24 inch box)
- Run 400 meters
- 20 dumbbell squat cleans (45 pounds)
- Run 400 meters
Hero WOD: Loredo
WOD Type: For Time
- 6 rounds
- 24 squats
- 24 push-ups
- 24 walking lunges
- Run 400 meters
Hero WOD: Luce
WOD Type: For Time
- Wearing a 20 pound vest, 3 rounds
- 1K run
- 10 muscle-ups
- 100 squats
Hero WOD: Luke
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 400 meters
- 15 clean and jerks (155 pounds)
- Run 400 meters
- 30 Toes-to-bars
- Run 400 meters
- 45 wall-ball shots (20 pound ball)
- Run 400 meters
- 45 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
- Run 400 meters
- 30 ring dips
- Run 400 meters
- 15 weighted lunges (155 pounds)
- Run 400 meters
Hero WOD: Manion
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 29 back squats (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Marco
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 29 back squats (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Matt
WOD Type: For Time
- 16 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 16 hang power cleans (185 pounds)
- 16 push presses (135 pounds)
- Run 800 meters
- 16 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 16 hang power cleans (185 pounds)
- 16 push presses (135 pounds)
- Run 800 meters
- 16 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 16 hang power cleans (185 pounds)
- 16 push presses (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: McCluskey
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 9 muscle-ups
- 15 burpee pull-ups
- 21 pull-ups
- Run 800 meters
Hero WOD: McGhee
- 30 minutes
- 5 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 13 push-ups
- 9 box jumps (24 inch box)
Hero WOD: Meadows
- 20 muscle-ups
- 25 lowers from an inverted hang on the rings, slowly, with straight body and arms
- 30 ring handstand push-ups
- 35 ring rows
- 40 ring push-ups
Hero WOD: Michael
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 50 back extensions
- 50 sit-ups
Hero WOD: Moon
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 10 dumbbell hang split snatches, right arm (40 pounds)
- 1 15-foot rope climb
- 10 dumbbell hang split snatches, left arm (40 pounds)
- 1 15-foot rope climb
Hero WOD: Moore
- 20 minutes
- 1 15-foot rope climb
- Run 400 meters
- Max reps handstand push-up
Hero WOD: Morrison
WOD Type: For Time
- 50-40-30-20-10
- Wall balls (20 pound ball)
- Box jumps (24 inch box)
- Kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
Hero WOD: Mr. Joshua
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 30 GHDs
- 15 deadlifts (250 pounds)
Hero WOD: Murph
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 1 mile
- 100 pull-ups
- 200 push ups
- 300 squats
- Run 1 mile
Hero WOD: Nate
- 20 minutes
- 2 muscle-ups
- 4 handstand push-ups
- 8 kettlebell swings (2-pood)
Hero WOD: Ned
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 11 body-weight back squats
- 1,000-meter row
Hero WOD: Nick
WOD Type: For Time
- 12 rounds
- 10 dumbbell hang squat cleans (45 pounds)
- 6 handstand push-ups on dumbbells
Hero WOD: Nukes
WOD Type: Time Cap
- 8 minutes to complete
- 1-mile run
- 315-pound deadlifts, max reps
- Then, 10 minutes to complete
- 1-mile run
- 225-pound power cleans, max reps
- Then, 12 minutes to complete:
- 1-mile run
- 135-pound overhead squats, max reps
Hero WOD: Nutts
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 handstand push-ups
- 15 deadlifts (250 pounds)
- 25 box jumps (30 inch box)
- 50 pull-ups
- 100 wallballs (20 pounds, 10 inch target)
- 200 double-unders
- Run 400 meters with a 45 pound plate
Hero WOD: Omar
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 15 bar-facing burpees
- 20 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 25 bar-facing burpees
- 30 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 35 bar-facing burpees
Hero WOD: Ozzy
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 11 deficit handstand push-ups
- 1,000-meter run
Hero WOD: Paul
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 50 double unders
- 35 knees to elbows
- 20 yards of overhead walking (185 pounds)
Hero WOD: Pheezy
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 5 front squats (165 pounds)
- 18 pull-ups
- 5 deadlifts (225 pounds)
- 18 toes-to-bar
- 5 push jerks (165 pounds)
- 18 hand-release push-ups
Hero WOD: Pike
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 20 thrusters (75 pounds)
- 10 strict ring dips
- 20 push-ups
- 10 strict handstand push-ups
- 50-meter bear crawl
Hero WOD: PK
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 10 back squats (225 pounds)
- 10 deadlifts (275 pounds)
- 400-meter sprint
- Rest 2 minutes
Hero WOD: Rahoi
WOD Type: 12 minutes
- 12 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 6 thrusters (95 pounds)
- 6 bar-facing burpees
Hero WOD: Ralph
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- 8 deadlifts (250 pounds)
- 16 burpees
- 3 15-foot rope climbs
- Run 600 meters
Hero WOD: Randy
WOD Type: For Time
- 75 power snatches (75 pounds)
Hero WOD: Rankel
- 20 minutes
- 6 deadlifts (225 pounds)
- 7 burpee pull-ups
- 10 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
- Run 200 meters
Hero WOD: René
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 21 walking lunges
- 15 pull-ups
- 9 burpees
Hero WOD: Ricky
- 20 minutes
- 10 pull-ups
- 5 dumbbell deadlift (75 pounds)
- 8 push-presses (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Riley
WOD Type: For Time
- WOD Type: For Time
- Run 1.5 miles
- 150 burpees
- Run 1.5 miles
Hero WOD: RJ
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 5 15-ft rope climbs
- 50 push-ups
Hero WOD: Robbie
- 25 minutes
- 8 freestanding handstand push-ups
- 1 15-foot L-sit rope climb
Hero WOD: Rocket
- 30 minutes
- 50-yard swim
- 10 push-ups
- 15 squats
Hero WOD: Roney
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- Run 200 meters
- 11 thrusters (135 pounds)
- Run 200 meters
- 11 push presses (135 pounds)
- Run 200 meters
- 11 bench presses (135 pounds)
Hero WOD: Roy
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 15 deadlifts (225 pounds)
- 20 box jumps (24 inch box)
- 25 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Ryan
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 7 muscle-ups
- 21 burpees
Hero WOD: Santiago
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 18 dumbbell hang squat cleans (35 pounds)
- 18 pull-ups
- 10 power cleans (135 pounds)
- 10 handstand push-ups
Hero WOD: Santora
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 155 pound squat cleans, 1 minute
- 20-foot shuttle sprints (20 feet forward + 20 feet backwards = 1 rep), 1 minute
- 245 pound deadlifts, 1 minute
- Burpees, 1 minute
- 155 pound jerks, 1 minute
- Rest 1 minute
Hero WOD: Scooter
WOD Type: Time Cap
- On a 35-minute clock with a partner:
- Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of
- 30 double-unders
- 15 pull-ups
- 15 push-ups
- 100-meter sprint
- Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift
Hero WOD: Sean
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- 11 chest to bar pull-ups
- 22 front squats (75 pounds)
Hero WOD: Servais
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 1.5 miles
- Then, 8 rounds of
- 19 pull-ups
- 19 push-ups
- 19 burpees
- Then,
- 400-meter sandbag carry (heavy)
- 1-mile farmers carry with 45-pound dumbbells
Hero WOD: Severin
WOD Type: For Time
- 50 strict pull-ups
- 100 push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
- Run 5K
- If you’ve got a 20-pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Hero WOD: Sham
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 11 body-weight deadlifts
- 100-meter sprint
Hero WOD: Shawn
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 5 miles
- Run in 5-minute intervals, stopping after each to perform 50 squats and 50 push-ups before beginning the next 5-minute run interval.
Hero WOD: Ship
WOD Type: For Time
- 9 rounds
- 7 squat cleans (185 pounds)
- 8 burpee box jumps (36-inch box)
Hero WOD: Sisson
WOD Type: 20 minutes
- 1 15 foot rope climb
- 5 burpees
- 200-meter run
Hero WOD: Small
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Row 1000 meters
- 50 burpees
- 50 box jumps (24-inch box)
- Run 800 meters
Hero WOD: Smykowski
WOD Type: For Time
- Run 6k
- 60 burpee pull-ups
- If you’ve got body armor or a 30-pound vest, wear it.
Hero WOD: Spehar
WOD Type: For Time
- 100 thrusters (135 pounds)
- 100 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Run 6 miles
- Partition the thrusters, pull-ups and run as needed.
Hero WOD: Stephen
WOD Type: 30-25-20-15-10-5
- GHD sit-ups
- Back extensions
- Knees to elbow
- Stiff legged deadlifts (95 pounds)
Hero WOD: Strange
WOD Type: For Time
- 8 rounds
- 600 meter Run
- 11 weighted pull-ups (1.5 pood)
- 11 walking lunges, carrying 1.5 pood kettlebells
- 11 kettlebell thrusters (1.5 pood)
Hero WOD: Terry
WOD Type: For Time
- 1-mile run
- 100 push-ups
- 100-meter bear crawl
- 1-mile run
- 100-meter bear crawl
- 100 push-ups
- 1-mile run
Hero WOD: The Seven
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 7 handstand push-ups
- 7 thrusters (135 pounds)
- 7 knees to elbows
- 7 deadlifts (245 pounds)
- 7 burpees
- 7 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
- 7 pull-ups
Hero WOD: Thompson
WOD Type: For Time
- 10 rounds
- 1 15-foot rope climb
- 29 back squats (95 pounds)
- Farmer carry, 10 meters (135 pound barbells)
- Begin the rope climbs seated on the floor
Hero WOD: TK
WOD Type: 20 minutes
- 8 strict pull-ups
- 8 box jumps (36 inch box)
- 12 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
Hero WOD: Tom
- 25 minutes
- 7 muscle-ups
- 11 thrusters (155 pounds)
- 14 toes-to-bar
Hero WOD: Tommy V
WOD Type: For Time
- 21 thrusters (115 pounds)
- 12 15-foot rope climbs
- 15 thrusters (115 pounds)
- 9 15-foot rope climbs
- 9 thrusters (115 pounds)
- 6 15-foot rope climbs
Hero WOD: Tully
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- Swim 200 meters
- 23 dumbbell squat cleans (40 pounds)
Hero WOD: Tumilson
WOD Type: For Time
- 8 rounds:
- Run 200 meters
- 11 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (60 pounds)
WOD Type: For Time
- 15-12-9-6-3
- 135-pound power cleans
- Pull-ups
- 135-pound front squats
- Pull-ups
Hero WOD: Tyler
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 7 muscle-ups
- 21 sumo-deadlift high-pulls (95 pounds)
Hero WOD: Walsh
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- 22 burpee pull-ups
- 22 back squats (185 pounds)
- Run 200 meters with a 45 pound plate overhead
Hero WOD: War Frank
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 25 muscle-ups
- 100 squats
- 35 GHD situps
Hero WOD: Weaver
WOD Type: For Time
- 4 rounds
- 10 L-pull-ups
- 15 push-ups
- 15 chest to bar pull-ups
- 15 push-ups
- 20 pull-ups
- 15 push-ups
Hero WOD: Weston
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- Row 1000 meters
- 200 meter Farmer carry (45 pound dumbbells)
- Waiter walk, 50 meters, right arm (45 pound dumbbells)
- Waiter walk, 50 meters, left arm (45 pound dumbbells)
Hero WOD: White
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 3 15-foot rope climb
- 10 toes to bar
- 21 walking lunges with 45 pound plate held overhead
- Run 400 meters
Hero WOD: Whitten
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 22 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
- 22 box jumps (24 inch box)
- Run 400 meters
- 22 burpees
- 22 wall balls (20 pound ball)
Hero WOD: Willy
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- Run 800 meters
- 5 front squats (225 pounds)
- Run 200 meters
- 11 chest to bar pull-ups
- Run 400 meters
- 12 kettlebell swings (2 pood)
Hero WOD: Wilmot
WOD Type: For Time
- 6 rounds
- 50 squats
- 25 ring dips
Hero WOD: Wittman
WOD Type: For Time
- 7 rounds
- 15 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
- 15 power cleans (95 pounds)
- 15 box jumps (24 inch box)
Hero WOD: Woehlke
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 4 jerks (185 pounds)
- 5 front squats (185 pounds)
- 6 power cleans (185 pounds)
- 40 pull-ups
- 50 push-ups
- 60 sit-ups
Hero WOD: Wood
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- Run 400 meters
- 10 burpee box jumps (24 inch box)
- 10 sumo-deadlift high-pulls (95 pounds)
- 10 thrusters (95 pounds)
- Rest 1 minute
Hero WOD: Zembiec
WOD Type: For Time
- 5 rounds
- 11 back squats (185 pounds)
- 7 strict burpee pull-ups
- 400-meter run
Hero WOD: Zeus
WOD Type: For Time
- 3 rounds
- 30 wall balls (20 pounds)
- 30 sumo deadlift high-pulls (75 pounds)
- 30 box jumps (20 inch box)
- 30 push presses (75 pounds)
- Row 30 calories
- 30 push-ups
- 10 body weight back squats
Hero WOD: Zimmerman
- 3 rounds
- 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 2 deadlifts (315 pounds)
- 10 handstand push-ups
WOD Strategies
WOD Name |
Description |
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WOD Strats- MURPH |
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WOD Strats – Helen |
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WOD Strats – The Seven |
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Wod Starts – JACKIE WOD |
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Wod Strats – Kalsu | On the minute (until you complete 100 reps of thrusters).
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WOD Strats – Cindy |
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WOD Strats – Angie |
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WOD Strats – Diane