Rogue P-5V Garage Pull-Up System

9.5 score
[Editors rating (9.5)] = (Garage Gym Ideas - Ultimate Home Gym Design) score (9.5)/10

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Editor’s Conclusion
The humble pull-up is one of the best bodyweight exercises that you can do that targets just about every muscle in your upper body. With the Rogue P-5V Garage Pull-Up System, you can knock out multiple sets with confidence. This pull-up system may clock in at a higher price point than many of the budget-friendly brands out there on the market, but I feel that it is worth every penny.

It is composed of solid steel construction that won’t bend or wobble under intense pressure and includes a complex mounting system to ensure that it is secured in place either on your garage ceiling or on the wall. Users find that it can get a little complicated to install, but the final product is well worth the additional time spent. It is also able to accommodate a higher weight capacity, which means that you can feel confident strapping on a plate carrier for an added challenge!

Below, I wanted to drive down into all of the advanced features that make the Rogue P-5V Garage Pull-Up System worth checking out!
Editor's Pros & Cons

Strong steel construction
Adjustable pull-up bar
Excellent hand grip
Built for very heavy weights
Can be mounted to wall or ceiling


Slightly expensive
Mounting hardware not included
A little difficult to install properly

Key Features


What makes Rogue products really stand out from the pack is the quality of materials used. Just like any of the products in the Rogue lineup, this pull-up bar is composed of materials high-grade steel made in the United States. The brackets as well as the pull-up bar are composed of 1x2-inch 11-gauge steel. You can knock out hundreds of sets on this strong and sturdy frame and it will not bend or lose strength over the years.


I was a little concerned when I took a look at the grip on this pull-up bar. I was expecting to find a classic knurled grip like you would find on many barbells from Rogue. Instead, I found that the bar included with this set does not have any knurling.

At first, I was a little disappointed, but as I began to use this bar I found that the narrow width of the bar was enough to create a strong and secure grip. Plus, due to the fact that you have gravity pulling you back down to the ground, a knurled grip may prove to be a little too hard on your hands. I was skeptical at first, but Rogue really nailed it with the design of this very simple yet effective bar!


The pull-up bar that is included with this set is just your standard straight bar and doesn’t offer any angled grips like some of the other designs out there on the market. This pull-up system allows you to engage in standard pull-ups, as well as hammer grip pulls up and chin-ups as well. One thing that is worth noting is that the strong and sturdy frame can be used for a lot more than standard pull-ups. Some users pair this bar with a set of resistant bands and loop them around the bar to fit in a bit of resistance training.

If you want to turn up the intensity of your pull-up, this design is strong enough to accommodate extra plates as well. If you find that your standard pull-ups have become a little too easy, strap a plate to your body to dial up the intensity. The great thing about this design is that the strong and resilient materials used make the workout possibilities endless!


Another thing that I wanted to discuss regarding this design is the overall size. Of course, one of the biggest advantages to adding this design to your home gym is that it has a footprint of zero. While it won’t take up any floor place, you will need to clear a good deal of wall space for this unit. It measures to be 52- inches long, 24 inches wide, and with the brackets stands to be 23 inches high. When compared to other designs in the Rogue lineup, the P-5V is just a few smaller than other of the other options.


Putting this unit together can prove to be a bit of a headache. I’m going to be honest - it bothers me a little bit that Rogue doesn’t include the mounting hardware with your purchase. Without the proper mounting hardware, you can’t use your pull-up bar at all. I checked the Rogue website, and they don’t even offer a mounting hardware kit that is sold separately. This means you need to trek down to your local hardware store to collect the proper bolts for mounting. The instructions indicate the bolts needed, but it bothers me a bit that they don’t just toss them in with your purchase.

This system can be mounted to the studs on your garage wall, or on the ceiling. Personally, I prefer mounting it on the ceiling because it feels more secure than the wall studs, and it allows you to place it right in the middle of your gym so that you can save wall space for storage or other workout equipment.


The stability of this system is where this design really shines. It has expertly-crafted brackets that are built to be insanely tough. You can use this design with your bodyweight, or strap on a pair of 45’s for an extra challenge! It took a little digging to find the overall weight limit since Rogue doesn’t list the limit on the product description. This bar has a max weight limit of 440 pounds, which allows you to really load it up with plates to even resistance bands without the worry of the bar bending under the pressure.

I also appreciate that this design is versatile enough to mount to the wall or ceiling. It is only as stable as your wall or ceiling joists. If you are feeling a little iffy about the overall strength of your wall studs, it’s a cinch to pop this device onto a set of ceiling joists!


The price of this bar is a little intimidating, but I feel that it is worth every penny. Sure, you can opt for a more budget-friendly bar that doesn’t have the same level of strength or durability, but when you do that you run the risk of damaging your wall or even injuring yourself with your product fails on you. To me, the extra cost is well worth it for something that was built for constant commercial use right in your home gym.

Sometimes, it’s ok to cut corners for a budget-friendly piece of equipment, but not when it comes to a pull-up bar. With so many things that could go wrong, you want to ensure that you invest in the best of the best.

Comparison to Previous Versions

There’s a wide variety of different styles of pull-up bars from Rogue, and distinguishing between the P-5V, P-6V, P-3, and P-4 can feel overwhelmingly confusing. So, what makes the P-5V the better buy? Many of the different styles clock in at the same price point, but there is one main difference between the P-5V and other designs, and that difference is versatility in how you mount it. The P-3 and P-4 use wall-mounted brackets that only allow you to mount them to the wall. The P-6V boasts a frame that only allows you to mount it to the ceiling.

The P-5V, in my opinion, is your best option. It boasts a strong and stable design that makes it perfect to mount on the ceiling or the wall. If you decide that you want to clear up some wall space and move this unit to the ceiling, it is easy to dismount and move it to a better location. You spend the same amount of money, but receive more versatility in how you mount your device.


Have you ever watched a pull-up bar fail video? I have. These videos are equally hilarious as they are terrifying. One round of compilation videos was enough for me to throw my budget-friendly pull-up bar right in the garbage. You put a lot of faith into these devices to ensure that they won’t rip off of the wall under your weight, so it’s better to invest in something that you can feel confident using. If you don’t want to be another pull-up bar fail statistic, investing in the Rogue P-5V pull-up bar system is your best option.

While this device may cost a little bit more than most, I feel that it is well worth the investment. It is made from strong and sturdy steel that won’t bend over years of continued use, and it is made to withstand well over 400 pounds. The only downside to this bar is that Rogue doesn’t include the mounting hardware with purchase, or even offer a hardware kit in their online store.

Once you make a trip to the hardware store and properly install this system, it is one of the more strong and secure pull-up stations out there on the market.